The Centre for Human Rights and Rehabilitation (CHRR) in collaboration with implementing partners in the Bodily Autonomy and Integrity (BAI) project, the Malawi SRHR Alliance and Manerella+ met to review progress made in the second quarter of the BAI 2.0 implementation phase.
The BAI project funded by the Aids and Rights Alliance for Southern Africa (ARASA), focuses at increasing access to services and information on Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) for everyone and mainly key populations.
The engagement meetings which are held periodically offer a platform for consortium members to discuss progress made on implementation of the BAI framework and other cross cutting issues as migration (people on the move), technological divide and climate change, assessing achievements, milestones, and challenges encountered during execution of the project.

BAI (ARASA) implementing partners. CHRR, Manerella+, Malawi SRHR Alliance
Programs manager for CHRR, lead partner for the BAI project Thandizo Mphwiyo, said aside the many positive strides registered in BAI 2.0, there have been some challenges and such engagement provides a platform for making informed decisions as partners on how to address the bottlenecks moving forward.
“By gaining collective insights into the overall effectiveness of our strategies and identifying areas for improvements, we need to first assess the milestones reached which will inform future interventions.” Said Mphwiyo

CHRR’s Programs Manager Thandizo Mphwiyo stressing a point

Nyatuwe Phiri BAI Project Coordinator