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Paradigm Initiative and Small Media Foundation


The Centre for Human Rights and Rehabilitation (CHRR), with support from the Paradigm Initiative and Small Media Foundation, implemented activities under the Digital Rights Malawi Project with the aim of promoting and protecting digital rights in Malawi. The project had several objectives that guided its implementation. Firstly, it aimed to raise awareness among Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and the general public about digital rights in Malawi. Secondly, it sought to advocate for the promotion and protection of digital rights in the country. Additionally, the project aimed to advocate for the enactment of a digital rights law in Malawi and the reform of existing digital and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) legislations to align with the Malawi constitution and relevant international human rights instruments, commitments, and best practices.

To achieve these objectives, the project undertook various activities. CSO engagement meetings on digital rights and internet freedom were conducted, focusing on strengthening multi-stakeholder engagement in the promotion and protection of digital rights. Advocacy and engagement meetings were also held with policy and decision makers, including members of the Legal Affairs and Media and Communication Committees of Parliament. The aim was to raise awareness about digital rights and advocate for reforms in existing digital and ICT legislations, such as the Cyber Security Act. Furthermore, the project actively participated in the eleventh annual African Internet Governance Forum (AfIGF), hosted by the Malawi government in Lilongwe. The forum facilitated discussions on important internet governance and digital policy issues, centered around the theme of Digital Inclusion and Trust in Africa.

The project achieved several milestones throughout its implementation. There was an increase in awareness about digital rights among CSOs, policy and decision makers in Malawi. Multistakeholder engagement was strengthened, leading to more robust conversations and actions regarding digital rights in the country.

However, the project also faced certain challenges. Limited funding for activities posed difficulties in implementing all planned initiatives, affecting the scope of the project. Additionally, there were restrictive legal provisions within key digital and ICT legislations, as well as gaps that limited the full enjoyment of digital rights in Malawi.

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Africa Freedom of Information Centre

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